Construction of seedling storage, sorting and processing complex in the Mazsil tree nursery in Abava Parish, Talsi County

Heating system construction works.

General contractor – SIA “UPB Nams”

“New construction of the shopping center” Parka street 11, Liepāja

Construction works of the ventilation system, internal water pipe, and sewerage network.

General contractor – SIA “BUKOTEKS”

Textile products production building, Melnezera street 3, Tukuma

Construction works of heating, water supply and sewage systems, and heating unit.

General contractor – SIA “RERE BŪVE”

“Construction of the Jaunolaines primary school gymnasium” Meža street 2, Jaunolaines parish, Olaines county

Construction works of heating, heating unit, water supply and sewerage systems, external heating circuit.

General companies – SIA “RERE BŪVE”

“Fuel filling station VIRŠI-A” Zemnieku street 24, Liepāja

Construction works of heating, water supply and sewage systems.

General contractor – SIA “BUKOTEKS”

PII “Dzintariņš” Dzintaru street 90, Liepāja

Heating system reconstruction works.

General contractor – SIA “UPTK”